think of a wonderful thought…



and this wall full of 'raining' plushies is so gorgeous! (found here)

i'm taking some time this week to realize some small dreams i've been 'waiting' on for such a long time. one is giving my studio/loft a makeover. i've never felt officially 'done' with that project and i am hoping that i can use some of my nesting urges to create a space that is beautiful and full of inspiration. a place to enjoy being as the weather gets chilly. i'm on a mission. here are some pre-makeover photos from my loft, i hope i can post some new ones soon too…







another thing that i'm excited about is that i've finally started participating in wardrobe remix. i've been really wanting to do this (just for fun!) for over a year. here's my little outfit today…


sooo… i think we are going to do our next update this coming Monday, the 28th! it's gonna be pretty massive with t-shirts (we're restocking the Holy Cute & Dino Ts too… yay!) 



and this cute little skeleton shirt…. it glows! (forgive my lame photo… i couldn't get a great shot in the dark)


plus new kits for Autumn, original art, new totes and more…. πŸ™‚ excited for this one. 

back to work for me. love you muchos. XO. elsie

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