Try This: Dad’s Hot Pepper Oil

Homemade hot pepper oil Recently my dad gifted me a bottle of oil infused with ornamental peppers from his garden. Trey and I were so excited because we both like spicy foods and I cook with oil often.

My dad also hinted that this might make a good post for my blog. 😉

And I could not agree with him more.

Ornamental peppersSo this is really his method, and he also shared a couple of resources with me (here and here). 

All you need to throw one of these together is a glass bottle that can be sealed, 18-20 dry ornamental peppers, and about 1 cup of olive oil. You could easily recycle any glass bottle you have/collect. I used a reusable one I had on hand. Whatever you use, just be sure to clean it first.

Homemade hot pepper oil  Slice each pepper so that the insides and seeds are exposed. This is usually the hottest part of any pepper. I prefer to wear gloves when I work with any type of hot pepper. I just keep a small package of disposable gloves under my kitchen sink. I don't use them often, but when I do need them they come in really handy (pun!!!!)

After cutting the peppers, add them to the jar and fill with olive oil. Allow that to soak for 2-3 days before use (or before you gift the bottle to someone). 

Homemade hot pepper oilAs the peppers soak they will begin to sink to the bottom of the bottle. This is good! If you notice the peppers floating at the top are exposed (sticking out of the oil), be sure to add a little more oil or invert the bottle. Exposed peppers can become moldy; this happened to the first bottle my dad gifted me before I realized this was the case. So make sure the peppers are fully submerged.

Thanks for letting me share my dad's latest pepper project. I just love these and think they make an awesome little handmade gift for this coming season. Yay, Dad! xo. Emma

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions. 

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