Try This: Jolly Rancher Vodka

Jolly Rancher Vodka (SO easy and tastes just like Jolly Ranchers!)I’ve always wanted to try candy-infused vodkas! A couple years ago, I experimented with fruit and vegetable-infused versions (spoiler– raspberry and pomegranate were the best!), and at that time, many of you recommended I try candy, marshmallows, and… really… all kinds of things! Apparently you can put many MANY different solid foods into a bottle of vodka to give it a new infused flavor. Pretty cool. Today, in honor of trick-or-treating month, it’s candy time. 

I chose Jolly Ranchers because they were my favorite childhood hard candy. You can use many different kinds of candy. I recommend something where you can separate the colors though, so it stays bright and pretty (and doesn’t turn muddy or brown).  

Here’s how to infuse vodka with Jolly Ranchers! 

Jolly Rancher Vodka (SO easy and tastes just like Jolly Ranchers!) Needed:
-vodka (make sure it is unflavored)
-airtight containers
-Jolly Ranchers (I used all the ones in a big bag, about 10-12 pieces per small bottle.)

Jolly Rancher Vodka (SO easy and tastes just like Jolly Ranchers!) Divide the Jolly Ranchers up by color. This will help both the color and the flavor stay true to the candy. You can add more candy than this if you want something super sweet and intense. Our finished product was sweet and flavorful, but not too syrupy. 

My favorite Jolly Rancher when I was a kid was green apple and Laura’s was watermelon. What was yours? 

Jolly Rancher Vodka (SO easy and tastes just like Jolly Ranchers!) Use a funnel to pour vodka into each vessel, then seal it. 

Jolly Rancher Vodka (SO easy and tastes just like Jolly Ranchers!) I took this photo after about an hour of the bottle sitting on the countertop. I was shocked by how fast the process happened. I shook it up after about an hour, then let it continue to sit. The next morning the candy had completely dissolved, so I gave it one more shake and called it done! The whole process took less than 24 hours. 

Jolly Rancher Vodka (SO easy and tastes just like Jolly Ranchers!) Shake-shake-shake! 

Jolly Rancher Vodka (SO easy and tastes just like Jolly Ranchers!) The finished vodka can be given as a gift. It can also be served with Sprite, lemonade, or, of course, as a shot. The candy flavor REALLY comes through. It’s fun! Like I said before, you can always add more candy if you want a sweeter, more intense flavor. 

What do you think? Candy-flavored vodka, anyone? xo. Elsie 

Credits// Author: Elsie Larson. Photography: Sarah Rhodes and Elsie Larson. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess Actions

Jolly Rancher Vodka


  • -vodka make sure it is unflavored
  • -airtight containers
  • -Jolly Ranchers I used all the ones in a big bag, about 10-12 pieces per small bottle.


  1. Divide the Jolly Ranchers up by color. This will help both the color and the flavor stay true to the candy. You can add more candy than this if you want something super sweet and intense. Our finished product was sweet and flavorful, but not too syrupy.
  2. Use a funnel to pour vodka into each vessel, then seal it.
  3. I shook it up after about an hour, then let it continue to sit. The next morning the candy had completely dissolved, so I gave it one more shake and called it done! The whole process took less than 24 hours.
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