Try This: Lucite Hand Towel Holder

Lucite Hand Towel Holder DIY (click through for tutorial) Sooo, remember when I showed you how to make the easiest ever lucite towel rack for your bathroom (for only $30!)? Well, I just wanted to let you know that you can also make a mini version to match as a hand towel rack as well! I’ve actually seen a couple readers that have made their own for their bathrooms and tagged me so I could see — that always makes me so happy!

Lucite Hand Towel Holder DIY (click through for tutorial) I just used a smaller piece of 1″ acrylic rod that was custom cut down to 10″ and got two more drapery ceiling brackets that I spray painted gold to match the other towel rack. The rod only cost about $5. So this hand towel holder only cost about $20 total — hooray!!

Lucite Hand Towel Holder DIY (click through for tutorial)Lucite Hand Towel Holder DIY (click through for tutorial) Lucite Hand Towel Holder DIY (click through for tutorial) I love having things that match perfectly, so I’m thrilled to have a baby hand towel holder to coordinate with the mamma version on the opposite wall. As you can imagine, putting one of these together is pretty simple, but you can read the full tutorial here if you want more details. I love how luxe the look of lucite is. So adding more of it to my space is definitely not a bad thing! I think this project is “clearly” a winner! xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

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