Try This: Personalized Spoon Rest

Personalized Spoon Rest I can’t tell you how long I have been wanting to get a cute spoon rest. (They are actually harder to find than you would think.) I’ve seen lots of Plain Jane spoon rests, and I’ve desperately wanted to play around with a porcelain paint pen on one, but unfortunately none of our paint pens are food-safe. However, I finally took the time to dig around and found a set of paint pens that are safe for food useโ€”Jackpot!
So here’s a super simple spoon rest I customized with a plain porcelain spoon rest and food-safe porcelain paint pens.

Personalized Spoon Rest I just washed my spoon rest. Then, I used a pencil to lightly mark my design on the inside of the spoon rest. Then, I just followed my outline with the porcelain pens and waited for the paint to fully dry (per paint pen directions) before washing. Done and done.

Personalized Spoon Rest Personalized Spoon Rest Even if it’s the simplest thing, I love making everyday objects a little more fun, and seeing this little kitty face every time I put a spoon down will certainly brighten my day. The great thing about this project is that you can personalize it however you want! You can use another animal reference, a pattern, or even a phrase. If I make another one it’s totally going to say, “Let’s spoon.” I know, I know, I’m just too hilarious. Hold your applause please…xo. Laura

Credits // Author: Laura Gummerman, Photography: Laura Gummerman and Sarah Rhodes

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