Try This: Use Outdoor Light Fixtures Indoors

Use outdoor lights as indoor lighting-great idea! (click through for more) I have to confess that I learned something new the other day…did you know you can put outdoor lights inside your home as well? I never even look in the outdoor lighting section when searching for indoor lights, but when browsing for an affordable replacement for some bathroom lighting, I came across some outdoor fixtures that were just what I was looking for! While the reverse isn’t necessarily an option (you can’t always use indoor lights outside), outdoor lighting usually has extra moisture protection around the electrical parts. So that actually makes them a great choice for places like indoor bathrooms or kitchens where you can run into water or steam.

Use outdoor lights as indoor lighting-great idea! (click through for more) This is the lighting fixture that came with the house in the master bathroom. The shape of the shade and fixture arm just didn’t fit the overall vibe that we were going for.

Use outdoor lights as indoor lighting-great idea! (click through for more) We are planning on installing a few globe lights throughout the house to compliment the mid-century design, so these simple outdoor hanging globes were just what I was looking forβ€”and they were so affordable too!

Use outdoor lights as indoor lighting-great idea! (click through for more) This was the first light I’ve ever installed by myself, and while it’s a little scary to do the first time you try it, it’s actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. If you haven’t hardwired a light yourself yet, just follow Mandi’s tutorial, and you’ll be a professional in no time!

Use outdoor lights as indoor lighting-great idea! (click through for more) Use outdoor lights as indoor lighting-great idea! (click through for more) I really like how simple and clean the globe lights look and the black base really helps to balance out the dark countertop. It’s certainly useful to know that you can use exterior lights as well when you are scouring the options for your own home. So next time you are looking for lighting, check the outdoor aisle as well! xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited withΒ A Beautiful Mess actions.

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