Trying Something New: Emma Sews

Apron1InkodyeRemember when I played around with Inkodye last week? Well, here's the project I created from it; an apron! Up until last week I hadn't used a sewing machine in at least ten years! And I had never used our industrial sewing machine at the shop. It's sort of intimidatingly big. But our sweet seamstress Leanna was kind enough to give me a lesson, so I made an apron. Now, I am not a sewing expert, at all! But I wanted to share my project with you because it's exciting to try new things. Here's what I did:Apron steps1. I used a large piece of paper to cut out a pattern for my apron front. I trimmed it quite a few times and held it against myself in a mirror until I got the size exactly how I wanted it. 2. I cut out the front piece and three long pieces for the straps. I pinned the neck strap in place so I could make sure I could easily get it over my (big) head but make sure it wasn't too long. 3. I made another little pattern for the front pocket, I didn't want to cut into my dyed fabric until I knew what size I wanted. 4. I took a deep breath, and stitched up all the ironed edges using the industrial machine.Apron2Dudeβ€”I sewed something! It's not perfect, I have quite a few little crazy stitches in there. But I had made it a goal this year to learn to use a sewing machine properly. Since learning to use it last week I have already made two other projects that involved a little sewing. And I have a new appreciation for all the lovely and talented seamstresses we have had the pleasure of working with here at our shop. Yay!

How about you? Have you tried anything new lately? xo. emma

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