Vegetarian Griddle Sticks

Vegan friendly sausage and pancakes on a stick!If you have never had the pleasure (and maybe disgrace?) of eating a griddle stick, let me take a minute to explain the concept to you. It's pretty advanced. You have a sausage, wrapped in a pancake, served on a stick. You can dip it in maple syrup.

Okay, so this is probably more of a kid fantasy food than advanced culinary artistry, but whatever. It's awesome.Veggie sausage and pancakesYou can find these pre-made, often called "griddle sticks" or just simply "pancakes and sausage on a stick," in the frozen food section of many grocery stores. What you won't be able to find as easily is a vegetarian friendly version. 

So, I made my own. And it's insanely easy. And insanely delicious.

The whole things is just insane. Kid friendly vegetarian foods
Vegetarian Griddle Sticks, makes ten to twelve.

1 box veggie sausage links (I used Boca)
1 packet pancake mix (I used Hungry Jack, chocolate chip)
1 cup water
10-12 small wooden skewers
oil, for frying (I used a mix of canola and vegetable oil)How to make veggie sausage and pancakes on a stickStep One: In a small mixing bowl stir together the pancake mix and water. You could also use your own favorite pancake recipe, if you don't want to use a mix. 

Step Two: Carefully push the wooden skewers into the center of each sausage link, at least 2/3 through lengthwise. You'll also notice my pancake mix is now in a champagne flute. No, I'm not just a weirdo. This makes it easier to dip/coat the links as you fry them. Try it—makes things so much easier!

Step Three: Heat enough oil for the links to float (2-3 inches) in a large, heavy pot until it's around 350°F. Dip a link, fully coating it in pancake batter. Then fry in the oil for about two minutes. Remove to a bed of paper towels to remove excess oil. Continue until you've cooked all the links.Veggie griddle linksServe warm with a little pure maple syrup. You can serve these along with some fruit and yogurt to make yourself feel a little better about the whole experience. 🙂 Try this sometime soon, even if you don't consider yourself a vegetarian. They are just too good. Enjoy! xo. Emma

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman

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