We Loved Doughnut Plant

Doughnut PlantDoughnut PlantDoughnut PlantDoughnut Plant… did we order too many?This morning we visited Doughnut Plant which we heard about via Saveur Magazine & our pal Naomi's instagram. 🙂 It was only a short walk from our hotel. There were too many amazing flavors, so we ordered a bunch to sample and share. My favorites were the coconut and rose flavors, Emma liked Pistachio, Trey was into the Peanut Butter and Jam flavor, and Jeremy loved the Crème Brûlée.Doughnut Plant (so good!)Doughnut Plant (so good!)We've really enjoyed this trip to NYC. It was mostly a work trip, but we were lucky enough to squeeze in quite a few quick meet-ups with friends and enjoy some otherworldly treats as well. I'll be back soon to share more photos from our trip. It's been incredibly productive and inspiring! 

What did you do this weekend? xo. Elsie and Emma

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