weekend happy thoughts.

seriously… wow. 

i've been cleaning/redecorating for like 24 hours straight! it's such a good feeling. 

few photos, then back to work… 

IMG_8037b oranges, grapefruit and (yes…) yarn in the kitchen. 

IMG_8034 a cleaned out closet, huge Goodwill bag & color coordinated shoes. ha! 

IMG_8033IMG_8030b my drawing journals. 

IMG_8027b random bedroom things. 

the white owl is from rachel. i've been collecting them for a project, but i loved this one so much i'll have to keep her forever. 

IMG_8018b my best vintage find of the day. Jeremy wanted to go to a few flea markets after coffee (he's the best!). most of the items i found today were vintage craft supplies. fun! 

and UH-Oh! 

IMG_8022 i seriously can't stop using the chalkboard paint. i painted the top of my large studio table last night, to match the desk (& wall!). more pics of that soon-soon.

*sigh*! i'm feeling so accomplished. weekends are the best. goals good for me. and my newest crush is….. the Holga! 

Photo 364 back to work for me! πŸ˜€

i need to do a post about tattoo designs soon… i've been getting tons of messages about designing tattoos, so expect a lil' post about that in the next few days. i'm off to clean my studio…… happy Saturday! els

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