Whipped Rose Geranium Shaving Cream DIY

I don’t know about you, but nothing feels quite as good as slipping into clean sheets at bedtime with a pair of freshly shaved legs. One of the “positive” side effects of being pregnant last year (other than the baby at the end—ha!) was that my leg hair growth slowed quite a bit to where I hardly had to ever shave and it was pretty glorious. That hormone ship has now sailed though so I’m back to my usual shave routine, but I wanted to add in a whipped shaving cream DIY into my routine to see how it compared to other creams I have used. I thought a rose geranium scented cream would be perfect and it turns out that making a light and fluffy natural shaving cream is easier than you think!Whipped Rose Geranium Shaving Cream, makes 2/3 cup
1/3 cup shea butter
1/3 cup coconut oil (use refined if you don’t want to add in a coconut smell)
2 tablespoons jojoba oil
2 tablespoons unscented castile soap
32 drops of rose geranium essential oil
Measure out 1/3 cup of both your coconut oil and your shea butter and place into a double boiler or a heat-proof glass bowl. Place contents over a saucepan of boiling water and allow the ingredients to melt, stirring every so often to combine. Allow the mixture to slightly cool and drop in your rose essential oil and jojoba oil, stirring to combine. Place your mixture in the fridge for several hours until solidified.
Use an electric mixer to blend together your chilled shaving cream for 2-3 minutes until it starts to look like whipped frosting. Add in your castile soap and blend again for one minute to combine. Store mixture in an airtight container, avoid getting water in the jar, and the shaving cream should be good for at least a month. As with all products with essential oils, discontinue use if you experience any sensitivity or irritation.It’s crazy how much this looks like whipped frosting because I kept having to tell myself not to eat it or lick my fingers (and my husband actually did taste it when I was out of the room because he thought it was frosting!). It looks and smells delicious! When using a bit of a thicker shaving cream, some people like to keep a cup of hot water nearby to swish their razor in, but I usually just rinse it in the shower stream. A word of caution though when using bath items with coconut oil in them: the floor of your shower (depending on the shower floor surface) can get a little slippery as it washes off your legs, so just keep that in mind or buy some of those non-slip mats if you’d prefer.

I love that this shaving cream leaves a bit of a soft coating on my legs so they feel like I already have moisturizer on them when I get out of the shower, and I double love that it contains all simple and natural ingredients while doing the trick as well as my other creams (while moisturizing better afterwards). I would say that this DIY is the cream of the crop! xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with ACS for Desktop actions.
  • This looks like the consistency I’d love to achieve when replacing my favourite body scrub with something DIY! (Currently I’ve been mixing almond oil and salt, which is nice, but not the luxurious texture I’ve been missing).

    I’m going to add some salt into this and see how I go 🙂

  • Looks great! What about the coconut oil going down the drain though? I’ve heard that can be bad for your plumbing when it solidifies.

    • Yes, the coconut oil will already be solid (as it will become solid during the refrigeration time) but in a warm shower I guess it could melt again. I think the best thing would be to not use a bunch of this at once, just a regular amount and it shouldn’t cause issues. But if you have notoriously bad pipes that clog often (I had an apartment like this once, seemed like we had to snake the shower SO many times) I would rather be safe than sorry so you may just want to skip this one. Up to you and what you feel will work best. 🙂

    • I also love to spread out a big towel in front of the TV and shave my legs outside the shower. I do a much better (more thorough) job and then you won’t have to worry about clogging the pipes. 🙂

  • This DIY is so up my alley and I just happen to have that essential oil mix on hand from Oui Fresh (it is my new fave scent for bubble bath time!) so just got to get some shea butter and jojoba and I’m set!

    It’s funny what I don’t ever think to DIY and what I do. I make my own face wash and body scrub, but never thought to make my own luxurious shaving cream… until now! And I love the feeling of shaved legs against the sheets at night too.

    Thanks Laura!

  • I loved the whipped texture of the Oyl that came in the Beauty Box. So I was wondering: could you just skip the soap and use this as body lotion?

    • Hi!
      You could, yes! It may be a little thick for a lotion depending on your taste, so you may want to play with the ratio of the oils to the shea butter for a consistency that you like 🙂


  • So, lovely to have such a natural product to create – I always worry about chemical products and shaving! I can’t wait to try this out, it would make such a sweet present too. I love that your husband tasted it, that’ll show him hahah!

    Holly from The Art of Being Holly xo

  • LOVE this idea and cannot wait to try it!
    Since I live in a 140 year old home (in New Orleans), I will sub in fractionated coconut oil as regular coconut oil clogs my pipes.
    Thanks for the DIY!

  • I hate shaving and find the sensation of it quite unnatural. But there are occasions (especially with the warm weather coming) when I have succumb to the masses. This looks like a nice alternative to the men’s shaving products that fill my bathroom cabinet ????
    P.S. my plumber will tell you,
    101, NEVER
    put any oil product down the drain! Learned that lesson hundreds of dollars later ????
    If I make this, I would use a basin to shave and dump it outdoors.

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