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Watermelon Slice Jello Shots


  • half of 1 medium watermelon
  • 2 boxes of watermelon jello or red colored jello 3 oz boxes
  • 1 box of unflavored gelatin 4 envelopes total
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 cups of vodka


  1. Use a large spoon or ice cream scoop to scoop out the inside of the watermelon and set aside (to later eat, of course!). You want to scoop out most of the red flesh but still leave about 1/2" of the red part above the white rind. Place the hollowed out watermelon on a cookie sheet with paper towels folded/stuffed on either side to keep it from tipping over.
  2. Mix your two boxes of jello with the 4 packets of unflavored gelatin. Add in 2 cups of boiling water and stir until dissolved. Once dissolved, add in two cups of vodka and stir to combine. Pour the liquid into the halved watermelon (fill to the top!) and place into the fridge for 3-4 hours until the jello is set. Probably the hardest part of this recipe is carrying the tray to the fridge without spilling it!
  3. Once the jello is set, use a large knife to cut the slices like you normally would. The jello fills into the watermelon some so the top level shrinks a bit. Just use the knife to even out any rind that sticks up higher than your slices, and you're ready to serve your shots!